Thinking of opening a coworking space, or trying to inspire your members? Get your own inspiration from the next eye-catching, well-located and unique coworking space we interviewed.
Are you ready for CUASIA 2019? We are! The Nexudus team will be attending the event, as usual, which is taking place in Goa, 20-24 Feb.
Eric Asare is the Managing Director at The Studio and he is going to tell us a bit about this space and its community, and how he manages it!
We caught up with Hector Kolonas from, and chatted about Member Benefits.
The term **"growth hacker"** was first used in 2010 by [Sean Ellis]( "") to describe a professional whose main objective is to make a given product or service grow. Andrew Chen popularised the term in his article [Growth Hacker is the new VP Marketing]( ""), where he explains the case of Airbnb. For Chen, a growth hacker is a hybrid of a marketing professional and a programmer. In 2013, Sean Ellis created the [GrowthHackers]( "") community where members share knowledge, techniques and experience.