The topic of sustainability continues to dominate conversations in the flexible workspace industry.
Discover how a well-designed office can attract and retain top talent. Learn key strategies for creating flexible, community-driven, and wellness-focused workspaces.
Discover how technology is transforming modern office spaces with cloud flexibility, smart design solutions, virtual reality meetings, and data-driven decision-making. Learn the key trends shaping coworking spaces and enhancing workplace collaboration.
Discover why hybrid work is here to stay and explore effective strategies to attract employees back to the office on Fridays. Learn how collaboration, company culture, and innovative perks can boost productivity and employee satisfaction.
Explore the benefits and strategies of hybrid work in this comprehensive guide. Learn how a flexible work model can boost productivity, improve work-life balance, and attract top talent.
Discover how SMART goals can transform your work and boost productivity. Learn the SMART framework and set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals to achieve professional success.
Discover 10 innovative ways to encourage your employees to commute to the office. Boost productivity, enhance work-life balance, and create a thriving workplace with these practical tips.
Boost your team's productivity with these 10 actionable strategies. Embrace flexible working, inclusive values, and professional development to create a motivated and efficient workforce
Working from home is indeed not a new concept, at all! AT&T started to eliminate unused offices in 1991. Three years later, as part of an experiment to explore the extent to which a large organisation could revolutionise the workplace by bringing work to the employees, it had 32,000 employees working from home.
Owl Labs recently published their 2021 State of Remote Work Report. In this article, we take a look at some of the key findings and consider what they mean for coworking and flexible workspaces.
For our final Future of Work article, we take a look at the Human Experience and how this is driving all other trends we have covered in this series. Treating members as individuals is what coworking does best, but there is never a bad time to reassert your care and devotion to your members.
Is the daily commute worth it? Although people certainly miss the collaboration offered by office working, the commute is something that hasn’t been missed as much. So what does this mean moving forward, and how will the daily commute change as we move into a post-covid world?
Very few people get into the coworking business just to make money quickly. It takes time to develop a coworking space into a profitable business, which is why many operators focus instead on being purpose-driven organisations. This week’s Future of Work article focuses on how to instill purpose-driven values into your space.